What’s your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal?

What’s your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal?

According to Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal, or BHAG, is a long term goal that will change your entire business. BHAGs are emotionally compelling and encourage strategic planning.

The idea is that people, both within your organisation and outside it, can immediately understand your BHAG and why you want to achieve it.

Examples of famous BHAGs include:

  • US President JFK’s aim to land a man on the moon
  • Google’s aim to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful
  • Sony’s aim to change the worldwide perception of Japanese products as poor quality

How do you choose a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal?

The first step is to conceptualise it. Ask the question “what goal will change my business forever?” Let your imagination run wild. Imagine a long-term goal (at least 10 years), that is innovative and exciting.

Next, qualify it. Is your goal long term? Do you think it is it ambitious, but also realistic? Is it something that not just excites you, but will motivate your team? Will it take your business out of your comfort zone and take it to new planes?

Finally, commit to it. Develop a plan of smaller goals, but maintain focused on how they will help you achieve your BHAG. Use your BHAG to inspire how you run your business on a daily basis.

Chew on this:

What’s your BHAG?

Author: Safaraz Ali
My career began in the financial services sector and since 1999, I have been involved in the world of business. I am Head of Pathway Group, which is a workforce development solutions provider. Pathway Group specialise in apprenticeship training and recruitment. I also offer independent strategy, advice, and investment for a wide range of private business sector. These include: social care, education, training, and recruitment.